Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Legal skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Legal skills - Essay Example Stephen Lennard for the Plaintiffs. 5. What remedies were Interfoto Picture Library Ltd seeking in the Court of Appeal? (2 marks) They were looking to uphold the judgment of the trial court, which had awarded them substantial damages against the defendant. 6. Which cases were applied by the Court of Appeal? (2 marks) Parker v. South Eastern Railway Company; J Spurling Ltd. v. Bradshaw; Thornton v. Shoe Lane Parking Ltd.; McCutcheon v. David MacBrayne Ltd. 7. In what court was McCutcheon v David MacBrayne Ltd [1964] 1 All ER 430 heard?(1 mark) Court of Session. 8. What are the material facts of Interfoto Picture Library v Stiletto Visual Programmes? (6 marks) The plaintiffs run a photographic transparency lending library. After the defendants inquired, the plaintiffs sent the defendants 47 transparencies and a delivery note that had 9 printed conditions on it. Condition 2 stated that the transparencies must be returned to the plaintiff after 14 days, otherwise there would be a ?5 a da y penalty for every day after 14 days that the defendants held onto the transparencies. The defendants returned the transparencies four weeks later, claiming that they did not read the printed conditions. The bill to the defendants was ?3,738. The plaintiffs did try to call the defendants twice before the defendants gave back the transparencies. The defendants refused to pay. 9. ... 11. What were the two arguments made by the defendant? (6 marks) The defendants claimed that the Condition 2 was never a part of the contract, as the defendants never received the delivery note. They also claimed that the contract between the two parties was formed before they knew about the delivery note. 12. How does the basis for the decision in Parker v South Eastern Rly Co (1877) 2CPD 416 differ from that in Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1956] 1 All ER 686? (2 marks) In Parker, the court looked at the terms as a whole, and decided if the terms, as a whole, were brought to the attention of the other party. In Thornton, the court decided that a particularly onerous term should be brought to the attention of the party, and if that particularly onerous term was not brought to the party's attention, that this term did not become a part of the contract. 13. (a) How did counsel for the plaintiff distinguish Thornton v Shoe Lane Parking Ltd [1956] 1 All ER 686? (2 marks) They state that the Thornton case deals with an exemption clause, and the holding should be limited to exemption clauses. Since their case did not involve an exemption clause, they argued that the holding in Thornton did not apply. (b) Was this distinction was accepted by Dillon LJ and explain his reasoning on the issue. (2 marks) No. Dillon stated that what was stated in the Thornton case was a general application of law, therefore the holding could be applied to any onerous statement in any contract. 14. (a) What principle does Bingham LJ say is not an overriding principle of English law? (1 mark) In making and carrying out contracts, each party must act in good faith. (b) How has English law dealt with this principle? Give examples. (4 marks) In

Monday, February 10, 2020

Cultural Impacts On HR Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Cultural Impacts On HR Activities - Essay Example This esssay stresses that economy is the second dimension of culture. In this case the production and distribution of the wealth is to be considered. Anything and any item that has value can be regarded as wealth and it is worthwhile till its value is lost and it becomes scarce. This category can also include the goods and services. However, in this case the goods are considered until they provide the services that they are supposed to. This paper makes a conclusion that the multicultural international work force needs to be created for the international operations. The specific example that can be quoted here is that of the multinational firms having their headquarters in the united states. The American managers are sent to the overseas countries to carry out the overseas assignments where they face the cross cultural challenges. Culture here plays the strongest role as the cultural backgrounds teach the managers the manners and the ways to react to a situation. Beliefs and the behaviours are the end products of the culture. The human resource training is being given to the mangers to understand the facts and the sensitivities related to the different cultures. The appropriate and the most suitable intercultural services is the need that should be realised by human resource managers in modern times as here the right selection will be a determinant of the organizations’ success. The global village has opened newer and better opportunities for the organizations to grow by making more intercultural contacts that lets these organizations grow.